[FRIAM] A pretty cellular automata video

Curt McNamara curtmcn at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 08:57:01 EDT 2021

In Siobhan Roberts' biography of Conway she summarizes how it took months
(or perhaps years) to work through different sets of rules for the game of
life. The goal was to find ones that produced Interesting behavior.

This was done by his group, and by hand as computers weren't readily
available. Years later enough simulations had been run to prove it was a
universal Turing machine.

The game eventually started to bother him as his other work was much more
significant and got less attention.

Her book on Coxeter is also excellent.



On Wed, Sep 29, 2021, 3:33 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:

> Jon -
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2uhhAXd7PI&ab_channel=ElliotWaite
> I never cease to be surprised and fascinated watching simple rules
> generate complex structure and dynamics.
> I had a lot of complex reactions to this but I won't waste anyone's
> bandwidth with my reflective rambling...
> Thanks for sharing...
> - Steve
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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