[FRIAM] This is a trip, green tea and colds

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 11:07:16 EDT 2022

Although capsaicin seems to have a reputation for anti-inflammatory effects, my guess is it only achieves 2 things for colds/flus: 1) temporary decongestion and 2) tiring out your cells so they can't go back to generating stuff (mucous, inflammatory response, etc.). More sane decongestants aren't as hard on your cells. So it's possible you'll get longer, but still temporary, relief from capsaicin. But my guess isn't justified. So grain of salt and all.

And you get desensitized to peppers pretty quick, I think. So eating ghost pepper 3 times a day ain't really gonna help. But, hey, if you enjoy it, do it.

On 8/20/22 20:48, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30037024/ <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30037024/>
> Looked that because of a very mild one. It's a risk from one of the meds.(trazadone)....
> My...80+/- question now is: is their actually anything to enjoying the occasionally   ridiculously spiced bowl of chilled to help? or is that just because of the pepper buzz takes your mind off mild aches from colds?Ridiculously  hot as in Jalapaneos with some Ghostpepper... tasty-once you, know, you get past the 7infernos of  hades while also asking, why on earth youlike eating a fireball coated in chilli stuff.
> Pubmed was all like: all you buddy. I seriously doubted forums. But Jalapenos have a lot vitamin C- but does that even do anything though??🤔 oO ?

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