[FRIAM] more logistics kvetching

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 12:07:41 EST 2022

The context:

Log4j Explained: How It Is Exploited and How to Fix It

An extremely casual code review of MetaMask’s crypto

So, the statement in the first article by Dr Coon seems WAY Chicken Little to me. And that's despite my history of unhinged rants about the security-through-obscurity approach in many (complex) open-source efforts. There's a real risk that we'll see more Big Software in the near future. The bureaucrats never miss an opportunity to toss up brick walls, make "expertise" seem like a thing, push for certification this and letters behind your name that. It's the same tired old argument that open-source has a (n infinitely) higher total cost of ownership than proprietary code owned by a legally accountable for-profit. [sigh]

But the 2nd article takes a more measured approach, admitting that this stuff is hard and what's required is for people (everyone) to dig in and take a look. Sure, not all of us are professors of cryptography ... but logistics *is* adversarial. Just admit it and get to work.

And don't put all your tokens in one wallet.

Theorem 3. There exists a double master function.

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