[FRIAM] Panorma Mesdag while in the Hague (Fwd: Immersive Panoramas of the late 1800s, Edinburgh and other cities (first immersive metaverses))

Stephen Guerin stephen.guerin at simtable.com
Fri Jun 24 09:44:50 EDT 2022


Reminder of this past thread on panoramas and to check out Panorama Mesdag (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panorama_Mesdag) while in the Hague. I don't
want to oversell it but I love the pure analog creation of immersion. Also,
perhaps it was special because Ali, the boys and I,  spent a few days prior
in the Hague beachside district of
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheveningen which is the location of the
panorama paiting so I was very familiar with the location.

Reminder on the era of panorama immersions in this thread:

> Cool youtube on history of panoramic drawing from Calton Hill, Edinburgh
> for immersive exhibitions in London
> https://youtu.be/wpSeIkl2EI4

there was another museum in The Hague we went to, Mauritshuis, that had
some other artist but I forgot his name.


Stephen.Guerin at Simtable.com <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
CEO, https://www.simtable.com <http://www.simtable.com/>
1600 Lena St #D1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
office: (505)995-0206 mobile: (505)577-5828

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 11:20 AM
Subject: Immersive Panoramas of the late 1800s, Edinburgh and other cities
(first immersive metaverses)
To: Robert Holmes <rholmes62 at gmail.com>, Richard Harris <
richard.w.harris at mac.com>, Benny Lichtner <corrugatedpress at gmail.com>,
Alison Jones <alison at simtable.com>, Miles Griffith Guerin <
milesguerin at gmail.com>, Reed Guerin <guerinreed at gmail.com>, Fabio Carrera <
carrera.fabio at gmail.com>, Ben Lichtner <bennlich at gmail.com>, Steve Smith <
sas at lava3d.com>

Cool youtube on history of panoramic drawing from Calton Hill, Edinburgh
for immersive exhibitions in London

approximate location in Google Maps:

Other cities, like Venice are included in the youtube

Thought of you, Robert, given your time in Edinburgh and for some reason
when I heard the UofEdinburgh librarian utter "It does and it doesn't
<https://youtu.be/wpSeIkl2EI4?t=94>" - I felt your presence :-)

BTW, I was blown away when I experienced Panaorma Mesdag in person at the
Hague with Ali and the boys a couple years ago

The mixed media effect with real sand dunes and grass in the foreground,
the gazebo and the skylight that allowed natural sunlight and cloud shadows
for illumination on the 360 panorama gave an awesome sense of presence.
Better than VR headset as I experienced in person with my family
unencumbered with headset and intersacting with foreground people. Google

Stephen.Guerin at Simtable.com <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
CEO, Simtable  http://www.simtable.com
1600 Lena St #D1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
office: (505)995-0206 mobile: (505)577-5828
twitter: @simtable
z <http://zoom.com/j/5055775828>oom.simtable.com
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