[FRIAM] Sunshine protection act

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Mar 15 19:33:58 EDT 2022

On 3/15/22 3:29 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> Please pass 
> https://www.cnet.com/culture/senate-unanimously-passes-bill-to-make-daylight-saving-time-permanent/ 
> I had to google that this wasn't early April fools, or that I was 
> misreading things.

except they got it backwards?   People who *like* getting up and going 
to work before the sun comes up should find a job where that is 
rewarded, or at least accepted... there are many.   But how many folks 
want to walk into work from the parking lot in the dark at 8AM?

I'm a bit of a purist, wanting the sun to be at "high noon" at noontime 
and the sunrise and sunset roughly symmetric around that moment.  It is 
a tiny and ideological thing, so I get it that nobody else cares.

but... whatever... I have very few schedules enforced on me, and those 
that are are generally not as arbitrary as the MDT/DST differences.

> Now it just needs to get passed the court jester and man who looks and 
> sounds like a constipated turtle: Mconnel.
> Gives me a little hope for UBI and a NHS.
I'd like to think that a unanimous decision like this might help break 
up some of the corrosion in the system keeping it locked up, but I think 
the GOP (goofy old party) has too much invested in things that the UBI 
and NHS would confront.

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