[FRIAM] pardon the interuption,

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 18:29:49 EDT 2022

"3D enough"? My guess is you already know all this. But just in case ... I would have guessed it would be easy enough in Blender (e.g. https://youtu.be/AlPPYkZg9D4). But I suppose it depends on how much automation you expect. SketchUp and AutoDesk should do something more automatic. But automation kinda-sorta implies quantification. So you should expect to specify your 2D→3D extrapolation in some more algorithmic way.

On 9/19/22 15:11, Jon Zingale wrote:
> I know my response doesn't approach your questions, but...
> 1. That's awesome. What do you sketch?
> 2. What got you back into it?
> On 9/19/22 14:54, Gillian Densmore wrote:
>> Complexity and what's right up peoples ally:
>> I've gotten into sketching again. Ok that's nice you'll say. and what's have to do with a list about math you say? the fun of x z, and wtf axis!
>> Is their a program where you can sketch stuff, and it' can figure out how to make what you have drawn into something 3D enough to chunk into artstation or other places to show off? or is this where someone first laughs, then says: you poor, inocent person, that's funny. let me sas out how wicked hard that would be!
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