[FRIAM] Breaking Bad and Free Will

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 10:18:42 EST 2024

Absolutely. If we parse out what character or personality means, we might come to the idea that it's a forcing structure comprised of the cumulative consequences of past decisions. If one's "identity" is (and has been) quasi-stable around, say, American Football, then any tiny little choice like "Hey let's go hiking this weekend." ... "No, I'm going to a Super Bowl party." will subtly guide one's trajectory through time and space.

The more one identifies with some (set of) narrative(s), the less free will one has.

On 1/25/24 13:34, Jochen Fromm wrote:
> Could you say that a strong character or personality reduce our free will too, because they restrict our choices and decisions?

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