[FRIAM] Bad news about the climate

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 10:15:08 EST 2024

Yeah, I'm not so sure that's the right tack. I mean, airlines (and airplane mfgs) aren't the most earth friendly enterprises, at their core. Even if we could magically swap out a zero emissions fuel (which we can't: https://www.wri.org/insights/us-sustainable-aviation-fuel-emissions-impacts), we will still see door plugs popping out because we can't be bothered to check every little nook and cranny just to save a few measly human lives. (Why do we freak out so much when an airplane goes down? So many more people die horribly in other circumstances.)

This entitled fetish we have for synchronous meatspace interactions makes for a more efficient target. Powering your internet bandwidth with more sustainable electricity is way more likely to reduce emissions than biofuel ever will.

On 1/29/24 19:20, Leigh Fanning wrote:
> At some point we'll have SAF at scale.
> https://www.energy.gov/eere/bioenergy/sustainable-aviation-fuels

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