About Dr. Manoj Gambhir
Manoj worked from
1994-1998 at Cambridge University, UK, as a graduate
student in the departments of Physics and Earth
He researched, through computer simulations and
mathematical methods, structural phase transitions
in crystalline
and non-crystalline materials, all of which happened
to have some geological significance. Following
Manoj joined the inter-dealer brokerage firm, Cantor
Fitzgerald, at their offices in London. There,
wrote algorithms to calculate the fair (eg. no
arbitrage, Black-Scholes) prices of various financial
instruments for trading floor brokers.
A hop over to Cambridge,
MA, resulted in a new job as a scientist at BiosGroup
-- a company offering organizations consulting solutions
inspired by complexity science. After a year and a
half stint with BiosGroup, Manoj headed back into
the research world and joined Doyne Farmer's economics
and market ecology group at the Santa
Fe Institute, where he worked until July 2002.
Manoj's current research page is at http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/m.gambhir/