[FRIAM] Fwd: Ten years in, nobody has come up with a use for blockchain

Edward Angel angel at cs.unm.edu
Thu Dec 28 14:05:07 EST 2017

The new Netflix documentary Banking on Bitcoin is pretty interesting and unintentionally perhaps draws you to the worries in the post.


Ed Angel

Founding Director, Art, Research, Technology and Science Laboratory (ARTS Lab)
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of New Mexico

1017 Sierra Pinon
Santa Fe, NM 87501
505-984-0136 (home)		 	angel at cs.unm.edu <mailto:angel at cs.unm.edu>
505-453-4944 (cell) 				http://www.cs.unm.edu/~angel <http://www.cs.unm.edu/~angel>

> On Dec 28, 2017, at 11:42 AM, Gary Schiltz <gary at naturesvisualarts.com> wrote:
> Very good article. Crypto currencies seem to have the most appeal with people are essentially antisocial, or at least, anti-government. I loved the statement early on in the article, "Bitcoin is what banking looked like in the middle ages — 'here’s your libertarian paradise, have a nice day.'"
> On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 12:08 PM, Owen Densmore <owen at backspaces.net <mailto:owen at backspaces.net>> wrote:
> Nice contrarian view on bitcoin and blockchains in general:
> ​  ​https://hackernoon.com/ten-years-in-nobody-has-come-up-with-a-use-case-for-blockchain-ee98c180100 <https://hackernoon.com/ten-years-in-nobody-has-come-up-with-a-use-case-for-blockchain-ee98c180100>
> ​I suspect blockchains will go the way torrent file systems went: they'll be great for IT infrastructure, so folks like Amazon Web Services will use them:
> Torrents: redundant, secure storage
> Blockchains: redundant, secure transactions​
> ​   -- Owen​
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