[FRIAM] Climate Change

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 12:40:53 EST 2017

He is one of these:

The games I enjoy have a zero tollerance pollicy for trolls. The giant jerk
kind that just want attention. Generally the community ignores them. Then a
Game Assistant bans them. Then that company shows other companies about the
So yes. Drumpf is just that slow and a Troll.  Stop giving that dude
attention! The faster he goes without it, the faster the problems he has
caused might be fixed. Trolls feed on attention they get a buzz from it.
And that he keeps getting it because people still act surpirsed at the crap
that person says or does is a problem. It doesn't matter if it's good or
bad. He's a pouty jack ass, troll plain and simple.
The sooner he goes as gamers say on perma ignore server wide. Or in this
case people on this list, the news etc stop covering  every brain fart that
does. The faster things might get fixed.

That and yes many people deny climate change is a thing.  I siimply don't
know why.
LOL like i've said to many times: I dont like having a gas powered car. I
(think) i'd like one that's a mix of solar+electric (for example) as those
rock!. I suspect for the most part the Das Uuber Geeken und Der Wendtag
Mailen  list "get it" lol infact I have seen long wonderfully enthusiastic
debates about climate issues, not only did we have some kick ass debates
but many of them brought up some bad ass theories! I thought at the time:
that is tooo coool!
That's because we are geeks, and love to learn all the cool shit this
wondefully awesome world has to offer.

That Alien robot speeks their language wich is: Geeks bad. Guts are gud,
/ignore GeeKDude/Woman  meen while the average folk the rest of us Das Uber
Geek think: (........; ..................-_-  sudo --reboot /user/brain
--now [kernel thread panic conditions encountered!]  /usr/brain brain
rebooting initiating int/sed /user/brain kill thread process id0... a
process that takes surpirisingly little time for something with such
advaced firmware and frequent updates.I am astounded it doesn't crash more
or take longer to defrag than 10-12hours. Alas it's harddrive has frequent
errors and, the user is a oft a smart ass.) and wonder if we heard right or
read right and  in my case sometime after the verbal commands bypass the
mouth+brain firewall I think from a bad ipf  configuration. And sometime
something like : What the ****? comes out of the audiodevice well within
microphone range of other users.

I don't know whhy  Drumpf+ the 10-15% that follow Drumpf  ignore everything
including looking outside their fucking door and saying
that's...not...normal to have 55-60F/ rughly 16C  heat at 1030A in the
morning of a certain Dismber then  look down and note how stupdenously
pretty the sky is breath in... I can only conclude because that turdflower
is simply a troll. Then move on and ignore. That or just a bot.

They are welcome to ignore the facts such as they are. The rest of us will
move on. IBesides do you reely want to work yourself up over this stuff?

On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 1:23 AM, Jochen Fromm <jofr at cas-group.net> wrote:

> This is what Donald wrote on Twitter tonight:
> "In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we
> could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country,
> but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect
> against. Bundle up!"
> https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/946531657229701120
> Only an idiot would ignore climate change. Is he really this stupid? My
> god..
> -J.
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