[FRIAM] poker playing AI

Roger Critchlow rec at elf.org
Sat Feb 4 21:12:09 EST 2017

I noticed the poker playing AI winning the tournament recently in the news,
but I hadn't noticed until today that the lead researcher was Tuomas
Sandholm at CMU, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sandholm/, who was hot into
computing mechanisms years ago.  Mechanisms being self enforcing contract
terms, where reneging on the contract is suicide.  Lots of fun stuff on his
page, but he made me think of what we might do to shorten the Trump years.

Suppose someone built a deep thinking AI that does real estate negotiation
and turned it loose on the Trumps?  If the Trump properties start
hemorrhaging money, the Donald might get really distracted from making
america great again.  That's why he wrote the trust so he can revoke it at
any time.  Because Don Jr. had a few problems when he was off on his own
the first few times, too.

Because being like really smart like Donald is very much a zero sum game,
you can only be like really smart about so many things in a day.  Even the
suspicion that there was an AI might be enough distraction.  How about the
suspicion that there was a whole gang of AI's?

-- rec --
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