[FRIAM] National Constitution Center
Prof David West
profwest at fastmail.fm
Mon Feb 6 03:44:22 EST 2017
don't know answers to your questions - the directive is also known as
NDS something or other, and I don't know if it is secret. For Bush it
was a director of a division of Homeland Security (after that agency was
On Sun, Feb 5, 2017, at 02:13 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> David,
> Would that be Bannon? Can we find out? How do you know about this
> Directive 51. Sounds like something about Aliens. No, not that kind.
> The other kind.
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
> *From:* Friam [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com] *On Behalf Of *Prof
> David West *Sent:* Sunday, February 05, 2017 1:06 PM *To:*
> friam at redfish.com *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] National Constitution Center
> every President signs a specific directive - for Bush it was Directive
> 51 - that designates one specific person who can decide the
> succession. Normally they would follow constitutional directives but
> can "skip" over someone in the sequence who they deem "unfit."
> Normally this would come into play only in extreme situations - like a
> bomb taking out the capital during a joint session / state of the
> nation address kind of thing.
> dave west
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017, at 12:06 AM, Nick Thompson wrote:
>> We got into a discussion on Friday about who can decide that the
>> president is unfit.
>> https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendments/amendment-xxv
>> In the first instance, it’s principle officers of the executive
>> branch … all Trump appointees except Pence.
>> Only in the case of a conflict between those principle officers and
>> the president does congress get involved, having the power to prevent
>> the president from returning to office by vote of 2/3 of both houses.
>> N
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