[FRIAM] SFI to Trump: The dangers of simplicity in a complex world
Steven A Smith
sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Feb 6 13:59:52 EST 2017
I appreciate FriAM, even though I don't attend Friday Congregation very
often, or even WedTech Congregation either! The *active* voices here are
familiar and even though I may have a lot of different perspectives and
opinions, I truly value what I hear here, and more than anything I look
forward to one of our *many* lurkers chiming in.
I feel we *don't* discuss as many Complexity topics as I would like, but
I like knowing that there are many with strong Complexity backgrounds
engaged in the more sociopolitical discussions that seem to dominate.
Since I feel a bit like Glen in his statement "Since I don't belong
anywhere, I obviously didn't belong there"... I'm enough used to being
an outsider or an interloper that I generally can slip into alien
situations and keep a low enough profile to not raise alarm or cause
This forum, being asynchronous and as Gary points out, "easy to delete"
feels like a safe place FOR me to speak up above a hushed whisper... so
I value it as well.
SFx was intended to be a more open and welcoming environment to share
the wealth from... I think we did a moderately good job much of the
time, but still missed the mark in at least developing a sustainable
funding model.
- Steve
On 2/6/17 11:49 AM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
> It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - FRIAM, both the list
> and the actual gathering at the "mothership" of Santa Fe - has always
> felt welcoming. It's the only list I've stayed with since its
> inception. I don't know if there are any SFI lurkers here, but there
> do seem to be a lot of people who "used to" have some association with
> it rather than those who are actively involved with it. I've no idea
> how much is due to a bit of snobbery vs. just simply the fact that the
> list is open to such a wide range of stuff that isn't interesting to
> folks interested purely in complexity. I find it easy enough just to
> delete messages when I get too overwhelmed, confident that they are
> archived so I can eventually look them over.
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 1:34 PM, glen ☣ <gepropella at gmail.com
> <mailto:gepropella at gmail.com>> wrote:
> FWIW, I felt fairly unwelcome soon after I left to work in our
> Agua Fria office (1997 maybe), perhaps since I was merely a
> research technician rather than any sort of academic. Then it got
> even worse when they expanded down the hill by staffing a
> receptionist. I always managed to sneak past without being
> grilled to badly ... but the concept was clear: do you belong
> here? Since I don't belong anywhere, I obviously didn't belong
> there. 8^)
> On 02/05/2017 03:40 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> > That makes sense but I just sat there quietly and listened. No
> > self-aggrandizing questions. And then I left.
> --
> ☣ glen
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