[FRIAM] loopiness (again)

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 17:30:42 EST 2017

But the point was how do you know what communities to which you belong, or not.  And, moreover, when we talk about expectations of a community to "police its own worst actors", how does a putative member of a community know whether an actor needs policing or correction.

My claim is that none of that can occur in meme space.  Boycotts, stock trades, votes, etc are required to establish the part-whole relationship.

On 02/07/2017 02:24 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Boycotts, stock trades, votes, and pulling down of walls with pickup trucks are all actions.   We can also learn from previous experience or history how certain events play out and form approximate models in meme space.  

☣ glen

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