[FRIAM] Naïve physics question

Barry MacKichan barry.mackichan at mackichan.com
Wed Feb 15 17:08:15 EST 2017

An old North Carolina farmer (later confirmed by an advanced amateur 
astronomer) to put two incandescent bulbs in series. The halving of the 
voltage lowers the temp of the bulbs significantly, and at the lower 
voltage, the bulbs last essentially forever. I have no idea what happens 
if you do the same with CF bulbs.


On 15 Feb 2017, at 9:18, Gary Schiltz wrote:

> Re: conservation, I was partly asking the question from a different 
> perspective: at times, I need to heat small spaces (like under 
> cabinets) in order to keep them dry. Incandescent bulbs are nearly 
> impossible to get here, plus they get really hot right at the bulb, 
> thus presenting more of a fire hazard. So, as long as I keep the 
> cabinets closed, the CF bulbs should work because the interior 
> surfaces should absorb the light energy and be converted to heat.

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