[FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs
Vladimyr Burachynsky
vburach at shaw.ca
Wed Feb 15 21:20:29 EST 2017
Nick or Glen,
I have been mulling over the thread about Representation versus Dynamicism for a bit and the differences
that language imposes whenever cross-disciplines attempt to converse. Today I was struggling with some code
to create Voronoi Meshes nested within each other based on nested spheres. All look well enough until I introduced a
primitive solid, a Cube and tried to make everything spin in space.
I needed to decide which entity or sets were coupled to which… So thinking of FEM procedures I decided to make
the Voronoi Sets occupy the Global Coordinate Position and attach the Cube as a Local Coordinate System. This is
rather arbitrary and can go either way. The problem appears somewhat akin to our thread, but I am aware that these distinctions
are contained within the same Simulation and neither reflects a reality except by coincidence. To cope with multiple coordinate systems one requires
a pertinent transformation matrix but if one is reckless the results are meaningless. The appearance of coupled systems may be illusionary and mistaken
as causative.
I thought today there was also a mention in Science Daily of fractals in Rorsach tests the more fractals, the more imaginative the observer’s answer.
It will take a few days but will try and make a video out of the apparent incongruity of these objects. The Cube is lacking any distinctive edge embellishments and
troubles the mind as unreal somehow.
Language always hampers exchange of ideas.
From: Friam [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com] On Behalf Of Nick Thompson
Sent: February-15-17 4:58 PM
To: Friam; 'Kim Sorvig'
Cc: alberto.alaniz at ug.uchile.cl; friam-owner at redfish.com; David West
Subject: [FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs
Helloooo, List,
I would like to introduce to you Alberto Alaniz (who describes himself in the communication below). I “met” him on Research Gate when he downloaded a paper of mine on the structural organization of bird song. I noticed that he was writing from a Landscape Department, and I thought, “A landscape person who is interested in birdsong! He must be interested in fractals!” And I was right. So please welcome him. Steve please note?
The idea of his that I particularly want to hear you discuss is his notion that fractality (is that a word?) in one domain can effect, affect, impose? fractality in another. So is there a relationship between the fractality which my research revealed in the organization of bird song and the fractality of the landscapes on which bird behavior is deployed.
I particularly wonder what Kim Sorvig and Jenny Quillen and ProfDave think about this, but also wonder if others on the list could put an oar in.
Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
Clark University
<http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
From: Alberto Jose Alaniz [mailto:alberto.alaniz at ug.uchile.cl]
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 2:21 PM
To: nthompson at clarku.edu
Subject: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs
Dear Nick
I apreciate so much your invitation, so i really intrested in participate of your discussion group. I am a young researcher finishing my MS, and this types of oportunities look very good for my, specially if i can interact with other scientics. About your question, of course you can share my oppinion, now if you want i can writte a compleate opinion in extenso, and i will send to you tomorrow in the afternon.
My field of study is the ecologial modelling and the conservation biology, the last year i published my firsts papers in Biological conservation and International Journal of Epidemiology, the first one about ecosystem conservation and the secondth is a global model of exposure risk to Zika virus. Currently im working in ecosystems and in assessment of habitat loss in forest specialist species (with Kathryn Sieving from University of Florida).
Alberto Alaniz Baeza
Lic. en Geografía, Geógrafo & Magíster (c) Áreas Silvestres y Conservación
Becario, Laboratorio de Ecología de Ambientes Fragmentados
Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas Animales, U. de Chile
Investigador, Laboratorio de Ecología de Ecosistemas
Departamento de Recursos Naturales Renovables, U. de Chile
Académico, Centro de Formación Técnica del Medio Ambiente IDMA
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