[FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs

Vladimyr Burachynsky vburach at shaw.ca
Tue Feb 21 01:44:47 EST 2017

>From Glen,
And I agree that the illusions you mention are primarily associated with (inappropriate) reification through transforms.  You seem to be saying that some transforms present illusions and others present non-illusions (truth?).  I take the opposite position ... perhaps the post-modern position ... that all transforms present illusions (or all present truth).  The key is to know that you're seeing the image of a transform and cataloging that particular one (amongst its category of transforms that could have been used).  Then, whether your verification methods have failed you and the transform you're using is _not_ the one you think you're using, matters less -- and can be more readily debugged.
response by vib.

This sounds like a grad lounge debate. Indeed you are right. So to fix the problem force people to pay attention for more than 10 secs.
Some music allows some people to focus longer. Maybe Taser jolts work for others. The simulation lures us into fantasy lands. Which I kinda like sometimes.
Time links these sims of mine but temporality is a coincidence not a true cause and we don't live long enough to test every contingency, so we make do with delusions. There seems no path out of this box. The box just grows with us.

So why did evolution place so much emphasis on time...

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com] On Behalf Of glen ?
Sent: February-20-17 11:09 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs

Rather than risk your thinking nobody wants to see it, I figured I'd chime in.  I want to see the video of your cube surrounded by a voronoi tesselation.

The subject you raise comes up a lot in conversations with my clients.  The extent to which an actor's mechanism is local or global can be very important both functionally and technically.  Any spatial structure that is defined globally, then even if used only locally by an actor, presents a risk of inscription error (assuming one's conclusion).  But this often leads one down the road to ad infinitum problems with bottom-up modeling.  So, we have to compromise and allow at least some teleology.  The trick is to be disciplined or put in place checks and balances that help ensure acyclic reasoning.

And I agree that the illusions you mention are primarily associated with (inappropriate) reification through transforms.  You seem to be saying that some transforms present illusions and others present non-illusions (truth?).  I take the opposite position ... perhaps the post-modern position ... that all transforms present illusions (or all present truth).  The key is to know that you're seeing the image of a transform and cataloging that particular one (amongst its category of transforms that could have been used).  Then, whether your verification methods have failed you and the transform you're using is _not_ the one you think you're using, matters less -- and can be more readily debugged.

I.e. when we're looking at an ink blot, are we aware that the more prickly ones allow less ambiguity?

On 02/15/2017 06:20 PM, Vladimyr Burachynsky wrote:
> I have been mulling over the thread about Representation versus Dynamicism  for a bit and the differences that language imposes whenever cross-disciplines attempt to converse. Today I was struggling with some code to create Voronoi Meshes nested within each other based on nested spheres. All look well enough until I introduced a primitive solid, a Cube and tried to make everything spin in space.
> I needed to decide which entity or sets were coupled to which… So thinking of FEM procedures I decided to make the Voronoi Sets occupy the Global Coordinate Position and attach the Cube as a Local Coordinate   System. This is rather arbitrary and can go either way. The problem appears somewhat akin to our thread, but I am aware that these distinctions are contained within the same Simulation and neither reflects a reality except by coincidence. To cope with multiple coordinate systems one requires a pertinent transformation matrix but if one is reckless the results are meaningless. The appearance of coupled systems may be illusionary and mistaken as causative.
> I thought today there was also a mention in Science Daily of fractals in Rorsach tests the more fractals, the more imaginative the observer’s answer.
> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/02/170214162838.htm
> It will take a few days but will try and make a video out of the apparent incongruity of these objects. The Cube is lacking any distinctive edge embellishments and troubles the mind as unreal somehow.
> Language always hampers exchange of ideas.

☣ glen

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