[FRIAM] The root of personality disorders

Nick Thompson nickthompson at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 18 22:38:31 EST 2017



Here is your assignment for tomorrow.  




There will be a quiz:  What is the difference between a circular explanation and a recursive one.  What is the key dimension that determines whether an explanation is viciously circular?   Is the virtuus dormitiva viciously circular? Why?  Why not?  






Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University

 <http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/


From: Friam [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com] On Behalf Of Frank Wimberly
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 6:35 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <friam at redfish.com>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] The root of personality disorders


I apologize, Glen.  Please replace "cancer" with "pneumonia".

Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918


On Jan 18, 2017 6:16 PM, "Frank Wimberly" <wimberly3 at gmail.com <mailto:wimberly3 at gmail.com> > wrote:

Why is my husband unable to breathe and coughs all the time?  And what is this large white area on his chest x-ray?

He has lung cancer.

How do you know?

Because he has difficulty breathing, he coughs constantly, and he has a positive chest x-ray.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz
Santa Fe, NM 87505

wimberly3 at gmail.com <mailto:wimberly3 at gmail.com>      wimberly at cal.berkeley.edu <mailto:wimberly at cal.berkeley.edu> 
Phone:  (505) 995-8715 <tel:%28505%29%20995-8715>       Cell:  (505) 670-9918 <tel:%28505%29%20670-9918> 

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com <mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com> ] On Behalf Of glen ?
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 5:32 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] The root of personality disorders

I found this opinion refreshing:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the President-Elect


I particularly liked the (strawman) circularity caricatured by conflating phenomenology with ontology:

> Wife: Why is my husband so self-important; why does he have such a sense of entitlement?
> Psychiatrist: Because he has an illness called narcissistic personality disorder.
> Wife: How do you know he has this illness?
> Psychiatrist: Because he is so self-important and has such a sense of entitlement.

But, personally, seeing [gag] Trump as the epitome of everything that's wrong with our culture, I can sympathize with the idea of using whatever tool we might have available to _demonstrate_ to others how thoroughly unable the man is to fill the role of President.  But we should be careful not to abandon our own principles in the process.

☣ glen

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