[FRIAM] Blockchain Just Became Obsolete. The Future is Hashgraph | Squawker

Joshua Thorp joshua at stigmergic.net
Fri Nov 3 13:54:23 EDT 2017

>In thunder token, the protocol proposes a split set-up so that
transactions are confirmed very quickly, with the blockchain only being
used in the case of emergencies. The rest of the time, thunder token will
use something a little less familiar – a system of agents that follows the
direction of a "leader" to vote on which transactions are made according to
the rules.

Agents following rules under the direction of a leader.... Interesting.
But how do you ensure the agents are actually following the rules?


On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:

> https://www.coindesk.com/cornell-professor-claims-
> blockchain-advances-thunder-token-debut/
> -- rec --
> On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 12:03 AM, Tom Johnson <tom at jtjohnson.com> wrote:
>> https://squawker.org/technology/blockchain-just-became-
>> obsolete-the-future-is-hashgraph/
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