[FRIAM] Postmodernism for Rationalists

gⅼеɳ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 15:06:43 EST 2017

FWIW, I view existentialism as a re-grounding of meaning, onto "what it's like" to be human (or any thinking thing).  Postmodernism is simply the realization that meaning *can* be re-grounded at will.  It focuses less on fixing/fixating on humans and more on our ability to change what we're fixated on.  It just so happens that humans are masters of re-grounding.  So, lots of postmodern stuff ends up being about humans and how/that they re-ground.

Read this way, existentialism is completely antithetic to postmodernism.

On 11/18/2017 07:53 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> And, what is the relation between PoMo and Existentialism?   I take existentialism to be the doctrine that all meaning in life, if human life has any meaning, is generated or asserted by the humans that live it.

☣ gⅼеɳ

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