[FRIAM] What is Stopping Poor People From Moving? - The Atlantic

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Fri Oct 13 18:09:24 EDT 2017

Many here are thinking this. I shall say it. Jerks. Plane and simple their
are many jerks in the business world. Also things are pretty out of
kilter.  I don't make it a secret that I am challenged when it comes to
those litttle slips of paper. I don't know how many job postings I've seen
that'll litterally say 'must know view.just vers 0.4 PHP v 5.6 python 3,
Java VM, JavaDM, MongoDB, and have head for drawing and sketching, be
energetic and  have a zest for life.'
(In my head ....) I 've been turned down many times simply because I am not
physically located in the city the place is. Even though it's webyweb work
much of wich can be done by TeleComute.
Perhaps others have a different view ^_^

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:58 PM, Steven A Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:

> While the world has seen many mass migrations forced by economics (and
> climate), I doubt it has ever been a "pretty picture" either for those
> forced to migrate or those forced to receive them.   Certainly the
> indigenous people of North (and to a lesser extent South) America got quite
> the shock as Europe flooded the "New World" with it's disaffected as well
> as it's fortune-seekers.
> In the intra-continental migrations during/after the industrial revolution
> (as subsistence farmers became coal miners, and then their children moved
> to the rust belt, etc.)  people often arrived "too many, too late".   I
> suspect the dustbowl/depression had a lot of that.  People chasing rainbows
> across the country only to discover that "the good jobs" were gone by the
> time they got there.   I see that in my children's generation in their
> educational/vocational choices... getting a big fat education to meet the
> opportunities/needs WE saw for them in the 90's only to find that they
> demands shifted out from under them.
> I've been seeing the very whimsical advertisements on Hulu for Monster.com
> where a giant purple-cookie-monster-like-being punches out the windows of
> a shoddy office building to grab a "sweet young office worker" and
> transport her (king-kong-like) to a crisp/clean hirise office build where
> he leaves her at her new desk with her new office mates only mildly
> surprised.   I wonder if this isn't too close to the reality of our current
> job market, even for entry-level professionals...  feeling that helpless
> and capricious about job prospects.
> With our efforts at SFx to support "the Gig Economy", I got a good taste
> of how complicated supporting creatives in Santa Fe really is.   Now, the
> same with trying to help create and hold high tech work in the area.
> Housing is a significant but not singular component.   Many of us where
> here (and some probably profited) during the housing boom of the 90s when
> developers/builders managed to change the anti-development climate of the
> county in such a way as to open up rampant (over?)building.  For the most
> part, I don't think it helped the lower end of the economic spectrum of the
> county/city.
> - Steve
> Pertinent to this morning's discussion.
> The Barriers Stopping Poor People From Moving to Better Jobs
> https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/10/
> geographic-mobility-and-housing/542439/
> TJ
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