[FRIAM] Truth: “Hunh! What is it good for? Absolutely Nothing!”

gepr ⛧ gepropella at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 10:07:56 EDT 2017

Well, Peirce's work in modal logics demonstrates his methodological pluralism. So it seems to me he would agree with Dave to a large extent. Nick seems to focus on Peirce's metaphysics, of which I'm largely ignorant. But it seems like Peirce's distinction between reality and existence might help clarify any disagreements. I think his conception of reality relies on a principle of plenitude where his conception of existence does not.  So I think it's a mistake to limit the conversation to truth/reality.

On October 14, 2017 11:59:08 PM PDT, Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:
>You have the antenna, and he has a telescope, and you are blind and he
>is deaf.  Communication may be challenging and so you may each have
>your own `truths'.
>It would be better to combine these measurements by finding some one
>that can see and hear.


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