[FRIAM] death

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Oct 30 23:36:34 EDT 2017

> Roger writes:
> “It seems that this sort of dead code, undead code, zombie code 
> problem is fairly ubiquitous in information processing systems.  No 
> matter whose system, there are always things around that don't go away 
> because nobody cared to do anything about them.  They always need a 
> clean reboot eventually, or a clean reinstall, or some kind of purge 
> to clear the inevitable cruft of just running too long.”
> This is the sort of thing I’d expect to see in a naïve approach to a 
> spatially extended UTM.  Without some process to clean it up, like 
> dreaming, there would be more and more agents coming to contradictory 
> conclusions.   When a call is made to vote on a decision there would 
> much wasted motion in the cancellations where the heat of many weak 
> learners might overwhelm the light from a few strong learners.
Gee that sounds a bit like the d(r)eadlock of our polarized two-party 
system today?
> Marcus
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