[FRIAM] The World Turned Upside Down (and what to do about it)

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Sep 14 00:21:01 EDT 2017


On several occasions over the years, I have been advised by `neural third parties' that the content of my writing can be edgy, but that in person I'm "Not that way" or "He's fine."   Now, some people think that in-person interactions are more representative of a person's character.   That if we just get in front of one another and _see_ the others' feelings, all conflict will be resolved.  No.  I would suggest Roberts' (Friedman, and other popular writers) preoccupation with civility is mistaken.   Civility may keep people from killing each other, temporarily, but it certainly isn't informative.  It is just the application of social skill, and this is not the same thing as listening, thinking, or being honest in debate.  It is a weak facilitator.  The problem with the current situation is that one side is just dishonest.  In the ternary world of politics, the `don't care' folks are in the crossfire, and that is appropriate.


From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> on behalf of Owen Densmore <owen at backspaces.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:04:42 PM
To: Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: [FRIAM] The World Turned Upside Down (and what to do about it)

Medium, my current outlet of choice, has an interesting "story" (Medium deals in Stories, not Tech nor Politics nor ...). It echos a lot of what we've been dealing with.
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​Somewhat dark, but awfully close to home.

   -- Owen ​

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