[FRIAM] The World Turned Upside Down (and what to do about it)

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Sep 14 16:27:49 EDT 2017

Merle -

By some measure, didn't we just experience a "bloodless" revolution just 
under a year ago?

Didn't the 1% and the Evangelicals enlist the mainstream Conservatives 
to rally the unwashed masses to help them put a manipulable (if not 
predictable or exactly controllable) clown on deck to play "loose canon" 
for them?   They got a Cabinet made up (almost?) exclusively of 
themselves (Evangelical Pence and 1% DeVoss et, al) and (re)stacked the 
Supreme Court in their favor, and at least threw a lot of chaff in the 
air by stirring things up with Mexico, the Islamic world, NK, Russia, 
etc. while kicking as many legs out from under the stool of social 
progressiveness as they could?

The Republican controlled Congress are not prepared for *leading*, 
nearly as much as obstructionism.  So their is a LOT of confusion and 
incompetence in both branches of the Gov't right now... a pretty weak 
result from a "revolution" one might think, but effective at least at 
disrupting Progress(ive momentum).

On the other hand, it does feel like it sets the stage for "yet another" 
backlash against all of that meanness, corruption, myscompetence.   This 
supports Glen's idea that in spite of all the above, things *might be* 
on a good track in spite of the apparent chaos?

I wonder if the "grassroots" aren't a lot more ready to take sweeping 
issues more seriously (positively?) than pre Trump or if Hillary were in 
office?     Sort of a "backlash" of it's own?

- Polly Anna

On 9/14/17 1:39 PM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
> Stuff like--maybe revolution?

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