[FRIAM] The World Turned Upside Down (and what to do about it)

gⅼеɳ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 17:44:02 EDT 2017

Nah.  I prefer the relatively common metaphor of the zombie as a typical shambling idiot who is dangerous precisely because he doesn't think and can infect you with his lack of thought.  Typical red state voters *are* the zombies.  The Walking Dead, as a TV show, is about how those of us who aren't brain dead a) handle the brain dead and b) how we deal with each other and our own despondency at being surrounded by brain dead citizens.  Will the progressives survive with their humanity intact?  Or will they be infected by fear and populism?

Renee' really likes Sense8.  But I'm more into Orphan Black and Mr. Robot.  I tried to get into The Man in the High Castle.  But it was just too visually dark and claustrophobic.  I plan to try again at some point, though.  The Handmaid's Tale is on the list.  I enjoyed the witch season of American Horror Story, but not the others.  I can't yet watch "Cult", which is supposed to be interesting.

On 09/14/2017 02:27 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> That Walking Dead stuff is for the red state audience.  

☣ gⅼеɳ

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