[FRIAM] Oh, Gawd!

Robert Wall wallrobert7 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 23:27:21 EST 2018

Why not just rebuild it?  I'd be willing to help. sounds like a very noble
cause ...

On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 4:58 PM, Gary Schiltz <gary at naturesvisualarts.com>

> There are many options, open source and commercial. I’ve used
> http://ricks-apps.com/osx/sitesucker/index.html on macOS, but haven’t
> tried it on the way back machine.
> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 6:11 PM Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:
>> Ah, 2010
>>   https://web.archive.org/web/20100602025557/http://cusf.org
>> Just run a recursive wget on that url, though that may not work because
>> the referenced urls on the page all point to cusf.jigsy.com, so they
>> will be archived under that url.
>> Ah, 2011
>>   https://web.archive.org/web/20110816091744/http://cusf.jigsy.com
>> so run the recursive wget on that url and see what you get.
>> You get the web.archive.org robots.txt and the cusf.org home page with
>> references to cusf.jigsy.com rewritten to reference the web.archive.org
>> copies.
>> More searching reveals an open source ruby gem (
>> https://github.com/hartator/wayback_machine_downloader) and
>> http://waybackdownloader.com/ which will do the job  for a price.
>> Here is the homepage in a google doc https://docs.google.com/
>> document/d/1qBwdaV2i5_IW5jAqdRfRGg66R8FA0pafCY8lH8Ru8e4/edit?usp=sharing
>> -- rec --
>> -- rec --
>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 1:58 PM, Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:
>>> Yes, the earliest archives are for Credit Unions of South Florida, the
>>> latest archives are for CU Schools Foundation, haven't found one that is
>>> the City University of Santa Fe.  Are you sure this was the URL?
>>> -- rec --
>>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 1:25 PM, Bob Ballance <ballance at swcp.com> wrote:
>>>> In what time frame was the site active?
>>>> . . . Bob
>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 12:27 PM, Merle Lefkoff <merlelefkoff at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> If someone can find the Way Back Machine and recovers Nick's valuable
>>>> web site, I would very much like to know about that.  My Center is partners
>>>> with a Swedish team working on a project with the Dalai Lama in Dharmsala
>>>> called "Timeless Knowledge."  I'm interested in appropriate technologies in
>>>> addition to systems science  that I can bring to this project before I go
>>>> to India.  At the very least--what a great metaphor!!
>>>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Nick Thompson <
>>>> nickthompson at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>>> Here I am asking for your help, again.
>>>>> *EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:* Does anybody know of an easy way to recover a
>>>>> defunct website, for the City University of Santa Fe, cusf.org, from
>>>>> the WayBackMachine?
>>>>> As the members of the Mother Church know, The Santa Fe University of
>>>>> Art and Design is collapsing (https://retakeourdemocracy.
>>>>> org/2018/02/11/santa-fe-launches-sf-university-of-art-
>>>>> design-community-input-roundhouse-update-hb-325-chaco-more/ )and
>>>>> leaving behind a white elephant of a campus for the City to develop as it
>>>>> sees fit;.  It includes a stunning, state-of-the-art, theatre.  There is a
>>>>> process in progress, running over the next few months, to engage the public
>>>>> in development planning.
>>>>> I have always felt that Santa Fe ought to be a University town.  It
>>>>> has great coffee shops, zillions of retired professors, art galleries and
>>>>> performance spaces galore, and a plethora of Institutes and other
>>>>> intellectual organizations which are post graduate institutes in all but
>>>>> name.  The last time this happened, I was young and idealistic (only 70)
>>>>> and I set about chartering an institution I called the City University of
>>>>> Santa Fe, a membership organization whose job it would be to support the
>>>>> transition of the old  College of Santa Fe to a full-fledged University and
>>>>> to use the retired faculty in Santa Fe as a bridging faculty.  We had a web
>>>>> page, we ran some seminars, it was fun.  In the end, Laureate Industries
>>>>> took over the campus, and it looked like CUSF was unnecessary.  But here we
>>>>> are again, and I would like to be able to pass on the charter and the
>>>>> concept to the people who are thinking about the future of the SFUAD
>>>>> campus.
>>>>> The favor I am asking is as follows.  I cannot recover the website.  I
>>>>> have been told that there is something called the Way Back Machine that
>>>>> contains old websites.  I tried to work with it and I have some evidence
>>>>> that the materials do exist, there, but I could not bring them up.  I
>>>>> believe (but am not sure) that it was hosted by GoDaddy or BraveNet and
>>>>> that the site address was cusf.org.  Unfortunately, that address has
>>>>> been scooped up twice since by others.
>>>>> Do any of you know how to make the WayBackMachine hum?
>>>>> Please be advised , those of you who don’t know me well, that I am the
>>>>> original tar-baby of time wasting, so be careful where you put your first
>>>>> paw.
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> Nicholas S. Thompson
>>>>> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
>>>>> Clark University
>>>>> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
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>>>> --
>>>> Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
>>>> President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
>>>> emergentdiplomacy.org
>>>> Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
>>>> merlelefkoff at gmail.com <merlelefoff at gmail.com>
>>>> mobile:  (303) 859-5609
>>>> skype:  merle.lelfkoff2
>>>> twitter: @Merle_Lefkoff
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