[FRIAM] Fwd: How Computers Work, featuring Bill Gates, and more!

Gary Schiltz gary at naturesvisualarts.com
Fri Feb 16 15:46:11 EST 2018

Damn you, Glen. Just what I needed, a few tens of thousands of pages
more of technical books to read. Like offering an alcoholic a drink. I
hope you're happy.


On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 1:17 PM, glen ep ropella <gepr at tempusdictum.com> wrote:
> And along these same lines:
> Humble Book Bundle for Functional Programming:
> https://www.humblebundle.com/books/functional-programming-books
> Supporting Code for America (https://www.codeforamerica.org/).
> On 01/30/2018 09:43 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
>> I wonder if we could get our governors (whichever state we live in) to join the 16 who have already signed up?
>> It seems to me that:
>> - Broadband is a utility, like water and power.
>> - CS should be taught in public schools.
>> - Both together would be a Good Thing
> --
> glen ep ropella 971-599-3737
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