[FRIAM] City University of Santa Fe

Tom Johnson tom at jtjohnson.com
Fri Jan 5 01:48:55 EST 2018

I assume you have been filing the required annual report?  That can be
handled online now.


On Jan 4, 2018 11:05 PM, "Nick Thompson" <nickthompson at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Hello, all,
> YEARS ago, when the College of Santa Fe was failing, I started a nonprofit
> called the City University of Santa Fe which was designed to pull all the
> educational resources of Santa Fe into one semi-formal organization, which,
> at the very minimum, would keep everybody informed about what everybody
> else was doing and maximally, might have provided temporary, volunteer,
>  faculty to the College of Santa Fe during its time of stress.   It turns
> out that you can set up a New Mexico non-profit for 25 dollars and ten
> bucks a year thereafter.  Frank, and tom, and Mike Agar signed on as board
> members, I set up a website, and then, essentially, nothing happened.
>  SFAUD took over from CofSF and other organizations I contacted about the
> possible communication function dismissed the idea out of hand.  AND I lost
> my website and url,
> AT some point, Mike Agar asked to be let go.  As Tom, Frank, and I were
> leaving a FRIAM meeting one day, I told them that we needed a replacement.
> We puzzled on that problem for about ten steps before somebody who was
> walking with us volunteered.  The problem is that I don’t remember who that
> person was!
> The reason this might become relevant again is, of course, that now the SF
> University of Art and Design seems to be going down.  In any case I  can’t
> even shut the organization down unless I get the paper work in order and
> for that I need another board member.  Was it you?
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
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