[FRIAM] Los "países de mierda" le dejan millones de dólares a EE.UU.

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Jan 22 12:36:37 EST 2018

< Many DACA kids have no real connection to the country they might get shipped to either. Maybe a whole bunch of us could get  "a free one-way plane ticket to return to the country you want" as Ann Coulter put it. >

With Amazon and Azure servers all over the world, and high speed networking and teleconferencing becoming ubiquitous, I wonder if there will soon come a day when there are few advantages to being in North America, Europe, or Asia?   Living in major U.S. cities is a pain with the cost of real estate and the constant traffic problems.  I don't need to be motivated by a manager to do my work -- really their presence just reduces my productivity.    On the other extreme are outposts like Los Alamos where there is really way too little alternative economic activity.

Still, if I look at jobs at a big company like Microsoft, there are more interesting (and high paying) jobs in a city like Seattle compared to Mexico City.    Maybe if enough of us take Coulter's advice the U.S. wil become the protectionist sh*thole -- the last resort for the underskilled.


From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> on behalf of cody dooderson <d00d3rs0n at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 9:22:06 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Los "países de mierda" le dejan millones de dólares a EE.UU.

Wikipdedia says that 86% of El Salvadorians have native American Heritage. How can anyone take arguments for their deportation seriously, when they are spewing from the mouths of first or second generation Eropean-Americans. It just seems hypocritical.
I do have a serious quetion 'though. As a 2nd generation European-American, what would take for me to get deported? It would be an interesting form of protest to get shipped to some country I've never been to. Many DACA kids have no real connection to the country they might get shipped to either. Maybe a whole bunch of us could get  "a free one-way plane ticket to return to the country you want" as Ann Coulter put it.

Cody Smith

2018-01-20 11:55 GMT-07:00 Alfredo Covaleda Vélez <alfredo at covaleda.co<mailto:alfredo at covaleda.co>>:


2018-01-14 17:06 GMT-05:00 Alfredo Covaleda Vélez <alfredo at covaleda.co<mailto:alfredo at covaleda.co>>:


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