[FRIAM] I have asked here before and will ask again

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 09:15:06 EDT 2018

After ysterday I simply do not trust Saint Vincents. Owen/Dad has a
tendancy to say it must be their it etc.
Wich is only one of their many issues.

I do not trust that I have ever been properly evaluated for what may or may
not be my current mental health issues.

I am an open book. I find that easier to do so as people know what they are
getting from me and where I am coming from. This has served me somehwat ok
so far, and with a bit of refinement I hope can be a good and yes possible
fun tool to have.

TLDR: Some mix of what ever medications Noah Freedman my current
psycho-chiatrist had thought was a good idea to try backfired badly.
Thinking it'd be a good idea to say something about it I got a rude and
arguably incompitent secretary going on about their HR and staffing issues.
None of wich is my problem. That's on them. If they do not have enough
people to properly handle clients they can hire more people.
This lady was complaining I was bouncing around meds etc. That is not true.
I had tried all of two anti-depressents that were only meant to be a gentle
push to get me through when I snapped and SI issues and wanted to solve the
imediate problem. Neither of the ones I tried agreed with me at all. One
gave me how sould I say...fast visits to the bathroom and terrible bowl
The other left more depressed than I started.
Neither of wich in my book is ok.
I may or may not actually have anxietiy issues, Some of that I am certain
comes from the toxic general feel America is in at  the moment.  Some of
that comes from have had zero luck getting a job, developing skills and a
craft I can enjoy.
Untill now potentially.

After such a disasterously bad experience I am now back to asking for
referals for several things:

On the good news side, and why I need help because once again i simply
haven't a clue where to start:
I have fallen in love with Zumba. I hadn't thought in my wildiest dreams
I'd enjoy it so much. That was why I had asked about other dance clubs or
groups because that may also be something I'd enjoy. I won't know till I
The good news is their are at least 3 listed on google. My mentor and
becoming friend at the meetup I go to recomended trying one at the Elks
lodge of all places.
She simply ddidn't know if it actually still meets their, and notes that is
one of the problems of santa fe.
A good problem to have to want to try out going deeper into Zumba to see if
I actually like it's culture enought to try for a teaching degree for it.

All that leads to the maried of problems I am angery I can not solve in a
simple way here yet and may never be able to do so. I go to a counsor to
sort out that problem

Here is where you guys can help I hope:
I want a actuall good and proper psyichatirst with a good and propper
office with a fresh start..  Freedmans scripts are to be blunt a mess. They
do not spell out exactly how and when to take meds. He has given me a ton
with absuletly no spelled out directions wich to to use.  I am no longer ok
with this.

I want someone that can assist me in finding a job to support my zumba
habbits. I refuse to believe that dos not exist anywhere in santa fe.
If that is not the case:
I want opinions, guidance and advice where to move to so as I can get that
kind support and guidance. I am more than open to moving ABQ if it comes to
I am sick and tired of being stuck and must get actual substantive grounded
help getting out of a train reck of a life I have at the moment.
I must have meetups, fun clubs to be a be in: I've found I love to dance.
that's a fine place to start and someone sugested a meetup to try,.
I enjoy walks as well, but the all of two groups are how shall I say flakey
at best, It must be regular as in weekly
I love sampling teas
I love tai chi
I want to try Kung Fu-

Surely somehwere on just that list alone their's meetups that are and
energetic to join!

Surely someones somehwere has these things.

Oh and I do want to at least try the Friam Live persons Meet Up group
again. I have no idea how active you guys are now.
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