[FRIAM] Is this list dead now

Gary Schiltz gary at naturesvisualarts.com
Wed Jul 11 11:44:21 EDT 2018

(Resisting the temptation of repeating the "dead parrot" skit from Monty

I've gotten a lot of FRIAM postings from Nick, Frank, Marcus, and Glen
lately about philosophy regarding belief and doubt, so it doesn't appear to
be dead. However, it doesn't seem to be getting officially archived any
more, which is a shame. I believe Glen said that he keeps all emails, so he
probably could be tapped to supply the missing posts should anyone decide
to resurrect the archive by combining the old archive (from web.archive.org)
with Glen's posts. So far, nobody has stepped up.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:03 AM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densmore at gmail.com>

> Simple question:
> Is the FRIAM list now basically dead? It seems like the previus witty
> banter is now MIA, hardly anyone posts or reads it anymore, Edd and
> possibly others complain it's not (THING HERE).
> So is this list now dead and or MIA?
> Does that mean someone needs to start a new one?
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