[FRIAM] Weird observation

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 12:53:10 EDT 2018

OK.  When you caveat it as a rare specialist with an attitude, then I'd agree with you, at least in practice.  Let them do their tiny/special job and don't expect/require them to think/care about you as a whole person.  But in those cases, who is in charge does matter a great deal.  If they're so hyper-focused on their tiny little slice of the world, then they *need* a general contractor to integrate their work into the whole.  And in our fscked up mostly for-greed healthcare system, the patient is considered the integrator.

On 07/13/2018 08:53 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Yeah, I try not do that until I've observed a person for a while.   Some people are more sensitive or inflexible, but not necessarily for reasons they can control.   I don't see that vendor and customer really makes a difference in the extreme cases.  What matters is getting to the truth, using the available resources.   It doesn't matter who is in charge.    I lot of medical situations aren't very serious though, and a lot of doctors could do the job.   I'm thinking of when one has sought out an elite specialist, and that specialist is a bit of an asshole.  

☣ uǝlƃ

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