[FRIAM] Peirce's "What Pragmatism is."

Nick Thompson nickthompson at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 16 00:22:05 EDT 2018

Dear all, 


As you all know, I am trying to arrange some sort of a web discussion group
to keep me sane during my exile in the Mosquito Infested Bog (hereafter,
MIB) .   I have looked into the options offered so kindly by many of you,
and none of them seems so much better than the Friam list that I shouldn't
start here.    


So, I am going to start a discussion here and see what I can do to render it
into a coherent text.  To help me in this project, I am going to ask those
of you who participate to observe a few conventions. 


(1)    Please faithfully retain the subject line.  Please! No matter what.
Bend the thread how you like but do not change the subject line. 

(2)     Please, when you reply, erase any included prior text from your

(3)    If you want to quote any prior text, please actually copy the text
you are quoting into your own message.  Use any means necessary to make it
stand out, but I would recommend bolding and indenting.

(4)    Please end EVERY message with the ending ###.  Put it before any
"marketing" that automatically appears at the end of your email messages. 


I will start the discussion by posting the link to Peirce's What Pragmatism
Is <http://www.iupui.edu/~arisbe/menu/library/bycsp/whatis/whatpragis.htm> .


Sometime over the weekend, I will put up or send a lightly annotated Word
version which perhaps might help those of you who are new to Peirce.  Most
of my notes will be  to assure you that you are not going crazy and that
Piece is actually saying what he appears to be saying.  


For God's sake, don't feel you HAVE to participate.  If I get a handful of
people to participate, it will generate enough text for me THEN to explore
how to move from what we have done to a readable text using macros, or ideas
that others of you might offer.  


I will "ring off" now so I have time to send you the Peirce text.  See many
of you tomorrow, I hope.  






Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University



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