[FRIAM] Transforming the Postsecondary Professional Education Experience -- Campus Technology

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Fri May 4 19:35:57 EDT 2018

One might argue that Python is hugely popular across domains, and that plumbers and mechanics as well writers and choreographers want to enjoy some of its goodness.   I think it is just people that want to get tech. jobs, and that they apparently have no natural inclination for learning the simplest possible language.

On 5/4/18, 4:14 PM, "Friam on behalf of uǝlƃ ☣" <friam-bounces at redfish.com on behalf of gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

    Ha!  I don't know, man. "Software development" is increasingly looking like an industry dominated by cogs and sprockets ... from the yahoo complaining about my bracket placement to the bros pitching protocol inheritance, I've "had it up to here" with people telling me how I *should* be doing whatever it is I'm doing. 8^)
    When the sprockets take over, it's time to move on.
    On 05/04/2018 01:02 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
    > “As a measure of the magnitude of impact of MOOCs so far, one of our MOOC specializations in the Python programming language is among the most popular offerings on Coursera — I believe that it has reached more than a million learners at this point. A significant fraction of those learners have opted to sit for an exam to get a certificate in Python programming.”
    > <Huff>  A person that seeks a Coursera class to learn Python is not destined for a career in software development.
    > “Also, we introduced an Applied Data Science specialization about a year ago. That one, though not receiving enrollments at quite the same level as the Python specialization, is generating tens of thousands of learners per quarter.”
    > Thousands of learners or thousands of people who create a filtering problem for recruiting departments?
    ☣ uǝlƃ
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