[FRIAM] Friam Digest, Vol 190, Issue 1

glen∈ℂ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 11:47:24 EDT 2019

Well, I can't speak for the people advocating the AP, which I couldn't do because I'm too ignorant of what the users of the term mean by it.  But I agree with you they seem to be talking about social systems more so than biological systems.  It reminds me of Luhmann's extrapolation of autopoiesis into social systems to some extent ... and maybe even the forking of pragmatism that you seem to care about.

But my *guess* is that these nudges you're talking about would fit well.  I like to think of things like the credit default swap snafu back in 2008 as technology.  They're certainly in the category of "economic goods".  And combining such financial tech with traditional real property seems like a perfect example of a move into an AP ... to questionable result.  In that spirit, manipulating clock time to sell more/less ice cream ... or to limit brown outs of the power grid or some other such thing, seems to fit as well.  But, again, unless someone who knows what they're talking about speaks up, I wouldn't trust my guesses.

On 4/1/19 11:10 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> Would these be social examples of the principle you are talking about?  One of the ways in which I "nudge" myself (being a diabetic) is to get me to stop eating icecream I mandate that this is the last bite, I scoop it out with a spoon, as LARGE as the spoon can hold, but then I put the icecream back in the freezer, and, carrying the spoon with me, go into another room before I eat it.
> This is a classic nudge.

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