[FRIAM] da foist pictures of a black hole

Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Wed Apr 10 18:49:08 EDT 2019

Indeed, Gil,

I was just on the piont of writing to the list, because I was surprised at no traffic on this stunner.

There is a photomontage I would love to have, which I think doesn’t exist yet, but now can.

Full M87 in the visible:
(which I guess is about a 100-arcsecond image)

The M87 jet in the radio:
(maybe 10-20 arcsecond scale)

The 7-arcsecond close-up of the jet in radio (VLA), X-ray (Chandra), and visible (Hubble), which is mostly motivated by understanding the “knot” they label HST-1:

And now the 50-microarcsecond images of the central black hole 

To see a world in a grain of sand.

So one good thing will have happened today,


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 7:28 AM, Gillian Densmore <gil.densmore at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/science/black-hole-picture.html 
> ^ now that is amazing. Keep kicking arse science! 
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