glen∈ℂ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 10:35:07 EDT 2019

Arg!  I wish I could go to this.  If any of you do, please send along some notes.

2nd Workshop on Formal Verification of Physical Systems (FVPS 2019)

> Theme
> One of the main issues behind many failing systems is the ad-hoc verification approach that involves a variety of formalism and techniques for the modeling and analysis of various components of the present-age (cyber)-physical systems. For example, control and communication protocols are usually modeled using automata theory, and thus analyzed using model checking techniques, while the modeling of physical aspects often require multivariate calculus foundations, which are in turn analyzed using paper-and-pencil based analytical proofs, simulation or theorem proving. The fundamental differences between these modeling and analysis techniques limit us to analyze the whole system as one unit and thus miss many corner cases, which arise due to the operation of all the sub-components of the system together. One of the major concerns is that, despite the above-mentioned evident limitation in the analysis methods, many safety-critical systems, such as aerospace, smart-transportation, smart-grid and e-health, are increasingly involving physical elements. Moreover, we are moving towards integrating more complex physical elements in our engineering systems. For example, we are moving towards Quantum Computers to meet the high performance needs. Similarly, phonic components are increasingly being advocated and used in aerospace applications due to their lightweight and temperature independency compared to traditional electronics based components. Finally, the impact of physical components is relevant to both safety and security of the overall system. For example, malfunction in sensor measurement may lead to safety issues whereas sophisticated physics based side-channel (e.g., power and acoustic measurements) attacks lead to the security violation of the underlying system.
> The objective of the workshop is to gather scientists and engineers interested in formal verification techniques for the modeling, analysis and verification of safety and security critical physical systems. We encourage submissions on interdisciplinary approaches that bring together formal methods and techniques from other knowledge areas such as quantum computing, control theory, biology, optimization theory and artificial intelligence. 

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