[FRIAM] Software development time estimates

Tom Johnson tom at jtjohnson.com
Wed Apr 24 14:00:45 EDT 2019

*"Software development time estimates. *Derek M. Jones analyzes
software-engineering data
Recently, he convinced a small software company to release a dataset
documenting its internal time estimates
spanning 10 years, 20 projects, and 10,000+ tasks. For each task, the
dataset indicates the number of hours it was predicted to take, how long it
actually took, the (anonymized) developers it was assigned to, and more.
[h/t Erik Bern
 and Jeremy Singer-Vine <https://twitter.com/jsvine>] "
Tom Johnson - tom at jtjohnson.com
Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
*NM Foundation for Open Government* <http://nmfog.org>
*Check out It's The People's Data

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