[FRIAM] Pondering Duncan Donuts coffee and the slang 'pull (thing here) out of my arse'

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 17:09:23 EDT 2019

As a wimsical ponderance:
The other day got duncan donuts coffe  over my usual storebrand stuff. Man
what a difference! much nicer to my tung and a lot more flavor full in
comparison! Smiths brand cofee just is over roasted and kind of gross in
comparison. And even better yet is Petes brand. I wonder what the
difference is? and why don't more places blend in Robusta that is soooo

I was talking to a friend on facebook and mentioned I don't have the money
for a new phone just to pull out of my keester.    I am now curious where
where the slang Pull (thing) out of my arse might have come from.
any guesses?
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