[FRIAM] Pondering...shoes and sweats of all things

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 19:26:42 EST 2019

Well you see it has to be a quantum state because if  you observe it for to
long it discopears. that is if it can be observed at all.  And their's only
a .0000000000001% chance  that if you can nab onto something, without
timywimy happening.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 5:13 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:

> Is this an experiment to see if we can identify some philosophical topic
> latent in the topic of casual clothing?   How cycles of fashion can be
> compressed using a memory-less optimized quantum time evolution?   Trying
> to find something to be opinionated about here.   Failing.
> *From: *Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> on behalf of Gillian Densmore <
> gil.densmore at gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam at redfish.com>
> *Date: *Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 5:03 PM
> *To: *The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> friam at redfish.com>
> *Subject: *[FRIAM] Pondering...shoes and sweats of all things
> I am seriously curiuse how it is that Puma can make pretty good regular
> seekers...for a bit cheeper than Nike.
> And who ever created the sweat pant. Was genius! comfortable can look
> great. and doesn't blow up ones budget.
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