[FRIAM] Motives - Was Abduction

Nick Thompson nickthompson at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 8 16:57:56 EST 2019



Well, see that just proves the point.  Not only can I not speak your lion-language, I accuse you of being a gazelle.  I apologize to all you lions out there.  By the way, what DO you call yourselves?  




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University

 <http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/


From: Friam [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com] On Behalf Of Marcus Daniels
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2019 2:20 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <friam at redfish.com>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Motives - Was Abduction


Nick writes:


“Much better, perhaps, than I understand software engineers.”


I would be surprised if anyone in this conversation identifies as a software engineer.
The complement of that to me seems weird:   It’s like declaring a person that can’t swim or drive a car, or would look in a manual to use a hammer?



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