[FRIAM] !RE: A million tech jobs unfilled

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Fri Jan 11 13:47:03 EST 2019

Steve writes:

<  She is very suspicious of industry since it 
    is almost exclusively big-Pharma and is (as a researcher directly, and 
    by extension in her loyalty to the fundamental research she is involved 
    in) the victim of *their* voracious nature.   As a new parent and 
    primary breadwinner, she is re-evaluating whether she could find some 
    kind of industry job, but still finds it morally challenging in several 
    ways.  >

A successful company has to create revenue to pay for research, but it may create a lot of revenue from research.
In fact, I don't even want my tax revenue to go to parts of the country that I see as having regressive tendencies.    The greater good isn't for the greater good.  For me, I am fine to mainly supporting the people around me who do good work.   I don’t see that as tribal, just the facts of life that I tried to prevent from happening in the first place.   I'm glad there are people trying to get things on track again, but building an ark is a sensible contingency too.


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