[FRIAM] Few of you ...

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 13:43:32 EST 2019

Yep.  Not as mind-blowing, but absolutely OUTRAGEOUS was the fact that none of them knew how much *work* went into the creation of that mysterious fluid.  Whenever I saw it, I thought of the untold number of bench scientists who worked on it and its predecessors, as well as all the animals we sacrificed to make and test it.  This sort of *infrastructure* was inconceivable to my fellow patients.  You're right.  They'd rather talk about their roast beef sandwich than the miracle of socialism being pumped into their veins.

But, that does nicely target the topic of the thread.  I purposely switched your "recognize" with "know" in order to evoke the violent slicing out of (prematurely) registered _things_.  This predatory ontologizing we always, seemingly must, engage in has done more damage to our ability to understand the world than anything else.

Because my fellow patients were mostly very old, they had experience with the white lab coat telling them things they didn't understand and kindly attendants (nurses) guiding them through the ever-more-familiar protocols.  So, had Amy been to the vet more than a handful of times, then there's reason to believe she would recognize a sickness-treatment-health process.  But there's no way she could recognize the dying process.  Perhaps those who have died and been resuscitated might.  Is this an explanation for self-asphyxiation?  Affinity for high doses of psychedelics?  Or any psychotropic including opium? ... to gain familiarity with death?

On 1/18/19 10:29 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I haven't spent much time at an infusion center.   The one I have visited has two chairs per room.   And at some point during a long infusion, there will be two or three other patients that have shorter infusions.   It was surprising to me how so many people seem to be on autopilot.   Even if they sort of look distraught, when they chat they don't reflect in any sort of analytical or reflective way about what they perceive is going on or what will happen next.   Especially mind-blowing to me when the infusion bag they are receiving is worth > $10k.

☣ uǝlƃ

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