[FRIAM] Few of you ...

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 14:24:36 EST 2019

Heh, I'm imagining the logic where injuries result in more (good) social interaction ... like the way we felt about soccer as a kid.  But I take issue with your words "ordinary, practical".  I hurt myself a lot in various different ways.  And I think anyone who does so, has a practical understanding that there are a huge number of types of degradation-regeneration processes.  E.g. the difference between tennis elbow versus a broken bone, or a concussion versus sun stroke.  None of these translate to dying.

My guess is the only people who have ordinary, practical understandings of the dying process are (critical care) nurses, hospice workers, etc. who see it often.  And even though they aren't dying, our (intra-species) "mind reading" might give them enough to work on.  So, this is yet another case where subjective awareness is just plain broken and the perspective from outside is more ordinary and practical.  Yet another reason why Wouk is wrong about the Navy.

On 1/18/19 11:08 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I suppose I am defining the dying process in an ordinary, practical way:   The trend of one day being less-than or more miserable-than the previous day, and where attempts at fixing that fail.   Maxy liked going to the vet.  She was prone to getting into to trouble and had her share of injuries.   Going to the vet was more people to see and (I think) meant to her an expected relief from pain.   

☣ uǝlƃ

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