[FRIAM] Modeling 4chan: roles, topics, beliefs, strawman, anonymity, etc.

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 20:01:14 EST 2019

Well, I agree completely about not requiring pre-approval for a segue.  I go even further and don't see the need even for recognition that the transition has taken place.  And I wouldn't know a segue if it hit me in the face.

With deep fakes and auditions for roles like political candidates or adoptable children, the question always boils down to how much of your time/energy do you pour into it.  I always find diminishing returns quickly (being a dilettante).  I recently saw some article on (I think) the Daily Beast about how photos of Trump seem to have been altered to make him look thinner and to lengthen his fingers.  I got a couple of photos into the article and suddenly snapped out of it ... such a waste of time.  I remember looking much closer at the questionable articles examining Obama's "long form birth certificate" ... with the supposed Word artifacts and such.  But I also prettify JavaScript-based phishing attacks I get in the mail and unzip and read questionable PDF attachments. ... So, who knows?  The recent "bomb threat" emails were *very* interesting, where you get a message saying there's a bomb in your office building and if you don't send bitcoin, they'll set it off.  I can imagine that being pretty scary for someone who works in an office building (not me, of course).

On 1/28/19 4:45 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I think generative learning (e.g. for deep fake videos) could capture Hendrix or Page.   Studying the deviations from the likely governing equations could be interesting (and probably could be quantified) but it also just could be some idiosyncratic bit of developmental history that means nothing.   With governance, I want to get some evidence of the rough features of where they stand and how they are likely to act.   I don't see it as relevant how they interact with their friends or their children because I am not looking for a friend or a parent.   In technical conversations, I don't see it as necessary to pre-approve or seek pre-approval to segue from topic to topic -- to know the discussants role.

☣ uǝlƃ

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