[FRIAM] Modeling 4chan: roles, topics, beliefs, strawman, anonymity, etc.

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Jan 29 17:22:26 EST 2019

Glen writes:

<  Further, at middle age, both women and men can face mid-life crises, empty nests, etc. where the identity upon which they've converged dissipates and they're left wondering: WTF? >
I don't really get the mid-life crisis thing.   Maybe there is a mid-life modest heating event, I would like to think so.   In the process of moving, we were going through our books, and could say in a matter-of-fact way and without regret say "We will never look at that again. Toss it."

It's those poor younger people that still think they have a destination to get to!


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