Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Oct 28 15:25:10 EDT 2019

Glen writes:

< If we've spent our experienced years building and cleaning up occult infrastructure and we aren't replaced by people with similar Necker-cube swapping abilities, our legacy will be whatever mode dominates as we crash: hegemonic infrastructure or bursts of throwaway Bash code.  >

I hope that is not true.   I hope that the swapping abilities become a selective advantage in civilization.   I think it is along the lines of your advocacy for role playing.   The folks who don't want multiculturalism and progressive governance want a world of metaphorical shitty Bash scripts, because they can see anyone making a life that way, and easily anticipate how power can be accumulated in that world.   They can't imagine spending time thinking about other points of view or exploring the interstitial space between moral systems.  


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