[FRIAM] YIKES!: Coronavirus New Mexico numbers.xlsx

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 11:42:31 EDT 2020

I've seen a few articles with titles like "Coronavirus is the death of Neoliberalism" or "... Capitalism" and whatnot. I'm skeptical. As much as I reject analogies between societal upheaval/collapse and phases of matter, I do believe in inflection points. My guess is that authoritarianism is what lies ahead of us on the other side of this inflection. We were already trending that way and I bet we'll continue. This inflection looks more like a minor rate change than anything fundamental.

This article was hopeful:

The coronavirus crisis has exposed the ugly truth about celebrity culture and capitalism 

There's nothing more disgusting to me than our celebrity fetish. But this article was pessimistic:

Invisible man? Amid pandemic, Biden sidelined by omnipresent Trump

My faith in my fellow humans' *tastes* is always crushed. Everyone tends to flock to the least common denominator. (My primary objection to instant-runoff/ranked-choice voting and pop music, as well as overly reductive rating systems like Rotten Tomatoes, etc.) The "wisdom of crowds" is an oxymoron. >8^D

On 4/2/20 8:05 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> Governments cannot print and distribute money fast enough to prevent a major collapse of world economic order and concomitant social breakdown.

☣ uǝlƃ

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